Friday Dumps: Stereotypes, Frisbee Rob, and AUDL
by July 11, 2014, 8:43am 0
Sludge posted up a video of ultimate stereotypes. And it’s actually quite funny! Frisbee Rob is on the move. Help out his indiegogo so he can stay on the move,…
Sludge posted up a video of ultimate stereotypes. And it’s actually quite funny! Frisbee Rob is on the move. Help out his indiegogo so he can stay on the move,…
Stats on Stats on Stats. An article on Ultimate Statistics in the Wall Street Journal? Yes please. Great layout callahan by Brute Squad’s Lien Hoffman. Way to snag that, girl….
Get Horizontal covers the 2014 Spanish Mixed Championship. Read carefully, mixed folks, Coroc0tta will be making an appearance at Lecco. Last week, r/ultimate talked making a B-team. This week, they…
Ultimate Rob releases 10 Tips for Rookie Handlers. Think they missed anything? r/ultimate is debating the best player in the world. Chime in with your vote-and why. Is Bamasecs trying…
The US Open Day 2 highlight video is up! r/ultimate is hammering out some of the details of double teams. It’s a good thing Reddit can multitask. They’re also discussing timecaps…
For those of you following along at home, US Open Day 1 Recaps are up: Men’s, Women’s, and Mixed. r/ultimate is discussing the pros and cons of force middle vs….
US Open previews are up. Check out the men’s, women’s, and mixed, and watch them on Nexgen. Good luck to everyone there! A college captain is worried about teaching rookies,…
If you were looking for another mixed international tournament to add to your bucket list, look no further. The Golden Keg is coming– an inaugural tournament in Dublin, Ireland, with…
The US Men are playing Belgium today in the first stage of World Cup bracket play, and ultimate is getting in on the fun. Head over to the Get Horizontal…
The Wall Street Journal talks Pro-Ultimate in New York, as well as mentioning new developments for Olympic recognition. Are you following the US U19 teams yet? Their twitter feeds are…