
Making the Defense at Practice More Intense

by August 20, 2015, 6:40am 0

Robyn Wiseman shares thoughts on how to make defense more intense at practice.

A Defensive Turning Point

by July 28, 2015, 4:38am 0

Pumped up from Heist's success at the US Open, Robyn Wiseman wonders how to continue the momentum and practice with game intensity.


by June 9, 2015, 9:32am 0

With Heist tryouts quickly approaching, Robyn Wiseman is implemented her long-term vision for team reinvention while keeping the team's identity intact.

Tryout Mental Toughness

by May 11, 2015, 11:00am 0

Robyn Wiseman reminds us why it's important to bring both mental and physical toughness to the game as the tryout season begins across the country.

We Did Something Right

by April 29, 2015, 11:00am 0

After an exciting end to the Wisconsin Bella Donna season at Regionals, coach Robyn Wiseman celebrates and reflects on what the team did right.

From Worlds to Pickup

by April 20, 2015, 10:00am 0

When the urge to play ultimate hit during a business trip, Robyn Wiseman reached out to a local team to play pickup. She didn't expect to find out that her way of approaching the game isn't for everyone.


Why Centex Matters

by April 2, 2015, 10:00am 0

With opportunities for growth on and off the field, Centex sets the right stage for growing college women's teams. Robyn Wiseman shares why it's important through her experiences playing for Wisconsin-Eau Claire SOL and coaching Wisconsin Bella Donna.


by February 27, 2015, 8:17am 0

On the sidelines, there's heckling, and there's straight up making fun of players. Robyn says the former cuts deeper than we sometimes think.

Shooters Gotta Shoot: The Hypocrisy of My Life as a Handler

by February 9, 2015, 7:27am 0

Growing up, Robyn always preferred passing to shooting when she played sports. But is there a difference in ultimate, especially when you've got a big arm and your team says "green light"?

D-Line Swag: How To Find and Keep Your Swagger

by January 26, 2015, 8:30am 0

In Part II of her D-Line Swag series, Robyn Wiseman explains how to find and keep your swagger on the field.