
Reflections on WCBU 2015

by April 13, 2015, 1:00pm 0

In the aftermath of Beach Worlds, Karen Ko chatted with a few of the United States’ female players and asked them about their experiences, from Women's to Mixed Master's.

Do it Yourself: Media Strategy

by February 11, 2015, 10:28am 0

Mainstream media is paying more attention than it used to, but if a team really wants to be promoted, the ball's in their court. Karen has some ideas on making it happen.

Women’s Ultimate Hopes to Take Flight in Kenya. Here’s How You Can Help

by January 13, 2015, 8:27am 0

Mercy Mbago is determined to start a women's ultimate program in Kenya and, in the process, improve her own life. Found out what's standing in her way and how you can help.