
Rankings: Implications

by March 12, 2012, 4:00am 0

This is part 5 in a multi-part series on the USAU ranking system and bid allocation.  Here are 1, 2, 3 and 4. In the short two seasons the rankings…

Gaming the Rankings: Part II

by March 11, 2012, 7:08pm 0

Part I went in depth of Tufts 2011 season, this article will talk about Penn State’s, Georgia Tech’s, and Michigan State’s season. One of the biggest gripes about some of…

Inside the AUDL: Philadelphia Spinners Tryout

by March 10, 2012, 2:30pm 0

Philadelphia is a city rich in tradition and history. On a cold and windy night in late February, a group of almost 70 Ultimate players are hoping to get in…

Gaming the Rankings

by March 10, 2012, 2:20pm 0

This post is meant to be read in conjunction with Lou Burruss’ post explaining the underlying principles of the rankings. Without that, some of the terminology I use may seem…

Rankings in Question: Whitman and Washington

by March 9, 2012, 12:40pm 0

In the end of the 2011 regular season rankings, the Whitman Sweets and the University of Washington Sundodgers ranked #17 and #19 respectively, earning the Northwest Region two of the…

TD Tools: Running an Ultimate Clinic

by March 9, 2012, 4:00am 0

This article is part of Leaguevine’s “TD Tuesdays” series and are being re-posted on Skyd following release on Leaguevine. For the original articles: http://leaguevine.com/blog/tags/td-tuesdays/ or subscribe by email: http://bit.ly/q1bmoT In Fall 2009, I…

Skyd Power Rankings: College Open DIII (03/09/12)

by March 9, 2012, 12:19am 0

These rankings and the 2012 Skyd College Tour are brought to you by Spin Ultimate [spreadsheet 0AoHsej_RKFvMdGJKaDh6Uk1ibnBEODZMWUw5VWRZZVE 600 200 ] *To my knowledge, has not yet committed to DIII. Winners:…

Skyd Power Rankings: College Women’s DIII (03/9/12)

by March 9, 2012, 12:13am 0

These rankings and the 2012 Skyd College Tour are brought to you by Spin Ultimate [spreadsheet 0AoHsej_RKFvMdFh5VlBwN09CSG4zWkJMVFhPQl9YNWc 600 200 ] 1. Valparaiso Their performance at Midwest Throwdown only attests to…

Australian Regionals: 2012 Preview

by March 8, 2012, 10:05pm 0

This piece is brought to you by Ulti.TV‘s Force Sideline Here in Australia, we like to do things differently. Christmas Day is hot and sunny, cars drive on the left…

Thursday Dumps: Canada HoF, USAU Rankings, DIRT

by March 8, 2012, 11:55am 0

UltiPhotos keeps adding great talent to their photographer roster. Here’s an update about The Ultimate Athlete Handbook and their upcoming tournaments. Three Finger Flick on learning and listening. Ultimate Canada…