The 2016 URCA Conference is happening right now! Melissa Witmer drops the updates from speakers so far, a preview of what's to come, and the benefits of joining URCA.
Yacine Bara
August 29, 2016, 6:30am
Acknowledging the effects of confirmation bias - and your dessert menu - on the game of ultimate.
E.R.I.C. is going on tour to spread ultimate and cancer awareness in cities all over the USA.
Ren Caldwell
August 25, 2016, 9:23am
Mixed youth ultimate can be an amazing opportunity for growth and learning the game, but gender lines and social messages can create barriers that are difficult to overcome.
Mike Palmer
August 19, 2016, 6:31am
What would the ideal ultimate broadcast look like? Mike Palmer of ulti.TV explores the broadcast fan experience and questions how improvements could be made.
Contested Strip remembers last year's blustery Pro Flight Finale.
How important is core training for ultimate and what's the best approach? Melissa Witmer explains her philosophy and discusses a free core workout.
Friend of Skyd and longtime commentator Stefan Rappazzo is starting an ultimate scene in Nicaragua, but needs disc donations to help spread the game.
What if Olympic diving was like ultimate?