
The Thrower’s Eye

by February 15, 2012, 4:56am 0

Between the reality of technical skill and the black-and-white world of good and bad decisions lies an ocean of space.  This space is defined by possibility; a possibility that is…


by February 8, 2012, 6:10am 0

It was with great enjoyment that I read Ben’s excellent series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)  last week.  Since Ben and I can’t talk about ultimate for…

Breaking the Mark

by February 1, 2012, 8:00am 0

We usually think of breaking the mark as an individual skill, but the structure that surrounds it is often as important as individual brilliance.  While there are as many ways…

The Birth of Modern Offense: NYNY v. Big Brother Game Analysis

by January 25, 2012, 11:36am 0

I hadn’t had a chance to watch this particular piece of history (game footage of NYNY vs. Boston Big Brother at the 1991 World Championships), so I was thrilled to…

Size Matters: AUDL and Women’s Ultimate

by January 18, 2012, 11:57am 0

The birth of the AUDL brings with it three major changes: professionalism, refs and a wider field.  Justifiably, most of the attention has gone to the first two of these. …

Watching Ultimate in the Video Age

by January 11, 2012, 11:18am 0

I am swimming in video right now.  USA Ultimate is releasing the footage from Club Nationals and friend-of-Fugue Luke Johnson sent me all the footage from Oregon’s trip to Boulder last May. …

Northwest: 2012 Women’s Preview

by January 5, 2012, 6:19am 0

We have an awkward big-little region up here in the far corner of the country.  The geographic area is vast; the drive from University of Alaska – Fairbanks to BYU…

Clown Tent: Successes

by January 4, 2012, 11:40am 0

This article is part 2 of 4 in a series. Writing about Clown Tent is tricky.  By its very nature, CT is designed to deal with individual idiosyncrasies.  On a…

Clown Tent

by December 14, 2011, 6:15am 0

Clown Tent is a team philosophy that shifts the nature of responsibility in an unconventional direction.  Clown Tent is incredibly flexible and powerful, but also really dangerous.  When it goes…

Warts and All

by November 30, 2011, 6:16am 0

It’s time for Hall of Fame voting again and with it, the annual debate over Kenny Dobyns.  The question of in or out is simple: he should be in.  Kenny…