
Middlebury Pranksters: 2012 Open Preview

by April 20, 2012, 9:24am 0

After waiting for the right time, Introducing the 2012 Middlebury Pranksters Notable Roster turnover, young team? Veteran team? Jesse Wolf (captain): We’ve got a handler corps of all seniors that…

Paideia Cup: 2012 Recap

by April 20, 2012, 6:00am 0

The weather could not have been more perfect for these two ultimate-filled days in springtime Atlanta.  The mild temperature and the lack of Atlanta’s notorious humidity drew hundreds of people…

Friday Dumps: Deadspin, AUC, Ulti.me

by April 20, 2012, 5:00am 0

Hey Deadspin, thanks for the free publicity. Force Sideline previews the Australian Ultimate Championships this weekend – part 1, part 2, part 3. It seems that we’re putting a lot…

The Engine Behind NGN

by April 20, 2012, 4:00am 0

As Ultimate continues to creep out of its sub-culture shell and into the mainstream, dynamic organizations have sprung onto the scene to answer the call to grow the sport. On…

AUDL: First Pull

by April 19, 2012, 3:06pm 0

Many doubts surround the viability of the AUDL.  Will they draw a mainstream audience?  Will they have a quality product?  Will refs and rules tweaks ruin the game?  Will it…

Thursday Dumps: Drilling, CT, Paga

by April 19, 2012, 12:55pm 0

 Lou Burruss’ essential guide to drilling right. CT Constitution recaps their first game against RI Rampage. 2nd to last day to pre-order a Dylan Freechild Spikezilla jersey in the Skyd…

Drill Theory

by April 19, 2012, 7:29am 0

I’ve been thinking about drills a lot recently.  At Oregon, we are in the process this year of implementing a new offense, so there are all sorts of little problems…

Pittsburgh on Tape

by April 19, 2012, 5:13am 0

I want to take a look at Pittsburgh, the team that I think is going to win 2012 Nationals*. I’ve seen footage of Pitt from Classic City Classic, Warm Up,…

Inside the AUDL: Detroit Mechanix v. Bluegrass Revolution – Week 1

by April 19, 2012, 12:58am 0

Presented by SAVAGEultimate

Wednesday Dumps: Chasing, DUFFA, Scorned

by April 18, 2012, 10:40am 0

Chasing Sarasota launches their new website. Smith’s grab makes Sportscenter Top 10 again. DUFFA Hat tournament in Manchester sells out in 144 minutes and boasts a 288 person registration. Ultimate…