
The Spirit of Kaimana

by November 6, 2015, 12:55pm 0

The Beach. The Parties. The Mondo. Hawaii's Kaimana Klassik has long topped bucket lists everywhere. What makes it so great?

Best of Club Ultimate 2015: Women’s Division

by October 16, 2015, 9:58am 0

Ultimate publications, pundits and governing bodies give out awards left and right, but why doesn't anyone ever give the players a voice? The week after Nationals, Skyd surveyed Women's division players to vote for their peers in nine separate categories, ranging from Craftiest Thrower to Best Hair.

Best of Club Ultimate 2015: Men’s Division

by October 15, 2015, 11:17am 0

Ultimate publications, pundits and governing bodies give out awards left and right, but why doesn't anyone ever give the players a voice? The week after Nationals, Skyd surveyed Men's division players to vote for their peers in nine separate categories, ranging from Craftiest Thrower to Best Hair.

The Suck! Part 2

by September 23, 2015, 12:43pm 0

Ultimate players aren't necessarily the kind, welcoming bunch you think they are.

Where There Is A Will

by September 22, 2015, 5:54am 0

Ultimate continues to spread in Kenya thanks to the dedication of players who represented the country at WCBU 2015 in Dubai.

We Made Them Sweat

by August 26, 2015, 9:35am 0

Team Kenya's goal at the 2015 World Championships of Beach Ultimate was to win-- the respect of their opponents and the international ultimate community.

Something Dirty

by August 18, 2015, 10:03am 0

Check out a humorous spin on what it would take for a mid-level team to compete with the best.

Cutting Calculus

by August 12, 2015, 6:11am 0

Field space in ultimate is like money in a retirement fund: sometimes, you have to invest in others in order to maximize your own earning potential.

The Offside Trap

by July 23, 2015, 3:24pm 0

Liam Grant has a bone to pick with offside penalties.

The Stability Series Part 5: Training Default Positions

by July 9, 2015, 9:47am 0

If you're training to be fast, the first thing you have to do is slow down. These drills will develop your movement patterns for faster, stronger sprinting.