
A New Way To Play

by May 6, 2014, 9:00am 0

The mid-90s gave way to Boston's Death or Glory, whose calm and collected play represented a sharp divergence from the messy, aggressive game ultimate knew a decade earlier.

The Cuervo Years

by April 17, 2014, 6:55am 0

Skyd looks back to the early 90s, when a bold Jose Cuervo sponsored series brought serious prize money, two point lines, and a vision that sought to change ultimate's future.

Winning, New York Style

by April 10, 2014, 8:00am 0

From cocaine laced parties to unmatched intensity on the field, the infamous NYNY was one team you didn't want to cross.

The Vote: Wham-O or Discraft?

by April 3, 2014, 8:00am 0

The Ultrastar wasn't always king. In the late 80s players were deciding whether the Discraft Ultrastar or Wham-o's Frisbee would become the "official disc" of ultimate.

Nob’s UPA

by March 25, 2014, 7:00am 0

In the late 80's, Robert “Nob” Rauch transformed USA Ultimate (then UPA) from a grassroots organization to a working business.

Flatball: Bringing Ultimate to the Big Screen

by March 12, 2014, 5:00am 0

After two years in production, a new documentary from director Dennis "Cribber" Warsen is poised to rock the ultimate world.

Windy City

by March 6, 2014, 8:00am 0

Chicago's Windy City Ultimate was one of the most skilled, physical and controversial teams of the 1980s. The next article in Skyd's First Four Decades history series.

The Father of the Forehand

by February 26, 2014, 8:00am 0

When ultimate began in the late 1960s and early 1970s, no one used the forehand or hammer -- until Victor Malafronte came along.

The Birth of Ultimate [1968-1974]

by February 19, 2014, 6:00am 0

Skyd traces ultimate's origins in our first collaboration with Ultimate: The First Four Decades.