Liam Grant
June 3, 2014, 5:00am
Irish ultimate player and van-man Liam Grant recounts some spring highlights from his sejourn in the United States in the latest installment of Through Irish Eyes. Make sure to read…
Alex Rummelhart explores the present and future of ultimate spectating.
Drew returns from Espíritu Sudaka with a full report on the tournament happenings, as well as what Sudaka means for the growth of ultimate in South America.
Mike Lawler
May 14, 2014, 9:19am
Mike Lawler shares a list of people making a big impact in women's ultimate.
A look into some of the people shaping and impacting ultimate as we know it.
Alex Rummelhart examines how an unlikely Eastern Michigan University was able to earn a spot at nationals.
There are certain life events that seem to pause time. Falling in love, heart break, being in the zone, letting down a team, getting married, a child’s firsts, some of…
Marvin Vuong
April 30, 2014, 10:00am
Marvin Vuong reflects on three years in the orange jersey as he prepares to observe the most competitive Southwest Regionals in recent history.
Kenny Wiley
April 29, 2014, 6:00am
Kenny Wiley philosophizes on ways to curb sexism in the ultimate community.
In light of the recent Carleton CUT tragedy, Alex Rummelhart remembers Brian Gleason, an Iowa IHUC player that lost his life in a tragic car accident in 2008.